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Aquanty Inc.

Leading the way in water resource innovation.

A cutting-edge water science and technology firm empowering water solutions globally

Leading the way in predictive analytics, simulation, forecasting and research services- our solutions span the globe, serving diverse industrial sectors. Aquanty’s scientists are recognized as leading international experts in integrated climate, groundwater & surface water modelling.

Our mission is to deliver holistic water resource and climate solutions to support and empower our clients to make informed decisions in an ever-changing world.

The Aquanty Logo including the tagline "Hydrosphere Analytics"

Our Technologies & Key Projects

Fully Integrated Hydrologic Modelling Powered by HydroGeoSphere

Learn More About HGS

Real-Time Hydrologic Forecasting with HGSRT

Learn More About HGSRT

Canada1Water - Continental Scale Climate Change Impact Analysis

Learn More About C1W

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Our team of experts is always looking to explore innovative projects that push HydroGeoSphere to its limits. Contact us to explore opportunities to collaborate and expand the possibilities of integrated hydrologic modelling.

Advanced Hydrologic Modelling with HydroGeoSphere

A photo displaying a HydroGeoSphere model

HydroGeoSphere (HGS) is the world’s most powerful hydrologic modelling platform. By fully integrating groundwater and surface water flow into a single physics-based simulation you gain an unparalleled understanding of complex and interconnected watershed dynamics for water resources management, solute transport modelling & climate risk assessment.

  • • Improved understanding of hydrologic systems, through the explicit simulation of groundwater-surface water exchange

    • Minimize uncertainty of traditional/empirical modelling techniques using HydroGeoSphere’s physics-based approach

    • Fully-implicit coupling approach for all domains provides for a robust, mass conserved solution scheme.

    • Simulate hydrology at any scale from local to continental; advanced computational algorithms allow the code to perform at unprecedented scales on a personal computer.

  • • Well and aquifer management for municipal water supply planning

    • Contaminant plume migration and source identification

    • Climate change risk assessment and resilience planning

    • Flood plain mapping and risk analysis

    • Scenario analysis for engineering applications (e.g.

    • Mine operations and closure planning

    • Evaluate impact of land-use scenarios & best management practices

HGSRT: Real-Time Hydrologic Forecasting Made Simple

A photo displaying the HGSRT map

Explore hydrological forecasts of your watershed in near-real-time with HydroGeoSphere Real-Time (HGSRT). Combining real-time field observations and advanced integrated hydrologic modelling, HGSRT transforms HGS models into the engine for a real-time hydrologic predictions tailored to your organization’s needs to ensure effective water management.

  • • Enhance decision support regarding flood and drought prediction, water allocation, land-use planning, and more.

    • Analyze hydrologic systems in near-real-time with a fully integrated HGS model, providing improved understanding of watershed hydrology and groundwater-surface water exchange.

    • Understand water related risks and improve climate change resilience; evaluate adaptive strategies to sustain water resources and ecosystem health.

    • Integrate real-time observation data seamlessly from diverse sources to accurately forecast a wide range of outcomes.

    • Aquanty's modelling on demand technology provides precise soil moisture forecasts at specific points of interest when you need it most.

    • Combine the strengths of physics-based modelling and the machine-learning-based approach to forecasting stream flows

  • • Real-time decision support to enhance watershed management

    • Flood/drought mitigation

    • Flood plain mapping scenario analysis for extreme events

    • Climate change risk analysis; evaluate adaptation strategies

Canada1Water - Water Resources Modelling for Climate Change Adaptation

The Canada1Water (C1W) project - a collaboration between Aquanty and the Government of Canada - is a pioneering initiative dedicated to advancing water resource management amidst the climate crisis. Using revolutionary modelling techniques and cutting-edge technology designed by Aquanty Inc., Canada1Water assesses the impacts of climate change on Canadian water resources through comprehensive climate/land/hydrologic simulations.

  • • Using a comprehensive modelling framework integrating results from land surface modelling, dynamically downscaled regional climate models, and physics-based groundwater—surface-water modelling, C1W represents the world’s most ambitious and physically realistic effort to model the water cycle at continental scales

    • All model inputs published through an intuitive and user-friendly web-portal designed and maintained by Aquanty, providing Canadian environmental professionals with a detailed geological and hydrological conceptual framework for any region of interest across the country

    • Monthly normal hydrologic simulations to inform water resources planners and policy makers of long-term climate driven trends in groundwater levels, stream flow rates, soil moisture and surface water levels at mid- and end-century

  • • C1W supports the sustainable management of Canadian water resources by modelling the complete water cycle across the Country, providing communities of all sizes (including remote and under-resourced communities) with the ability to project future water scenarios. Stakeholders in virtually every sector will have no-cost, unfettered access to high-quality datasets for a wide range of use cases.

    • “Canada1Water represents a truly 21st century advancement in integrated climate-surface-groundwater modelling capabilities to assess water resource vulnerabilities across the Canadian landscape. Not only within Canada, but it lays out a science-based roadmap for scientific communities and government agencies around the globe.” Dr. Ed Sudicky, FCAE, FRSC


With our cutting-edge technology and a passion for innovation, we deliver tailored solutions that empower our partners across a broad range of industrial sectors worldwide to manage water resources efficiently and sustainably - while providing them with the tools they need to thrive in a changing world.

Expand the items to the right to learn more.

  • Traditional water resources engineering has historically relied on compartmentalized models that address specific aspects of the hydrological cycle. However, as we navigate through an era marked by unprecedented environmental challenges and the increasing complexity of water systems, it has become evident that a more comprehensive and integrated strategy is required. Fortunately, simulation tools like HydroGeoSphere (HGS) have been rapidly improving, and in the evolving landscape of water resources engineering an integrated approach to hydrologic modelling has emerged as the way of the future!

    Click to learn more about HGS modelling for water resources engineering.

  • Our real-time and on-demand hydrologic forecasting platforms powered by HydroGeoSphere provide a wide range of benefits to stakeholders by enhancing their understanding of watershed hydrology and providing predictive analytics for short- and long-term water resources planning. Our user-friendly technology plays a significant role in improving landscape management, evaluating drought and flood risks, and understanding the impacts of climate change across Canada. The HydroGeoSphere (HGS) simulation and Real Time (HGSRT) technology provide the basis for addressing water resources challenges at all scales, from field level soil moisture and chemical leaching forecasts to continental hydroclimatological risk analysis. Its application aids in the management and understanding of both water quantity and quality, and the complex interactions between groundwater and surface water. Our platforms serve as invaluable tools for watershed managers, government bodies, agricultural stakeholders, and others.

    Click here to learn more about technology for watershed managers.

  • A mine-scale HydroGeoSphere (HGS) integrated groundwater-surface water model is ideal for assessing mine site design performance, including the quantification of pit inflows during operation and the impact of mine operations on the surrounding landscape. Additionally, climate change projections can be used in conjunction with HGS models to investigate potential climate change impacts on mine operations and long-term sustainability. HGS simulation technology is emerging as an integral part of mine closure design optimization to verify that post-mining hydrologic conditions meet regulatory criteria and ensure sustainable resource extraction..

    Click here to learn more about mine-site modelling with HGS.

  • Aquanty operates real-time and on-demand HydroGeoSphere-based hydrologic forecasting platforms to help a wide variety of stakeholders understand and predict current and future water resource needs. Our user-friendly technology is enhancing landscape management, drought and flood risk assessment, and understanding of climate change impacts to agriculture across Canada, helping to ensure the sustainability of our agriculture industry. From national-scale hydroclimatological analysis to field-scale soil-moisture and chemical leaching prediction, HydroGeoSphere simulation technology is a valuable tool for government agencies, agricultural stakeholder groups, watershed managers, and others to understand and manage water quantity and quality.

    Click here to learn more about HGS modelling for agriculture & forestry

  • Integrated groundwater– surface water hydrologic modelling is ideal for assessing the viability of nuclear waste repository sites and site design performance, in terms of both long-term operations and contaminant release scenario analysis. The HydroGeoSphere (HGS) approach provides an accurate and robust method of simulating radionuclide transport in support of infrastructure decommissioning analysis. HGS also provides state-of-the-art means to investigate the potential impact of climate change on site hydrologic conditions, and on contaminant plume migration.

    Click here to learn more about HGS modelling applications in the nuclear industry.

  • Aquanty operates simulation technology and real-time and on-demand hydrologic forecasting platforms to equip insurance agencies with a more robust understanding of water-related risks, enabling them to make better-informed decisions, manage risks effectively and offer more tailored insurance products to customers. Gain insights on sustainable water resources, drought and flood risk, and impacts of climate change to a particular area of interest. From large-scale hydrologic analyses in support of national/provincial/watershed level flood and drought risk analysis, to localized real-time hydrologic forecasts to bolster flood warning capacity, Aquanty’s HydroGeoSphere (HGS) simulation technology represents a valuable tool for the insurance/reinsurance industries to reduce exposure and losses to hydrologic catastrophes.

    Click to learn about our technology’s applications in the insurance industry.



  • Intro to HydroGeoSphere Training Session

    This online training session is free to attend! Click below to register.

  • Integrated Hydrologic Modelling with HydroGeoSphere - Short Course 2024

    Tuesday, October 8, 2024 at 9:00 AM - Thursday, October 10, 2024 at 10:00 AM

    Join the Aquanty team for a 3-day intensive course which explores the complete integrated hydrologic modelling process using HydroGeoSphere (HGS). This course consists of various lectures and exercises to explore topics such as the benefits of integrated hydrologic modelling, the governing equations that control flow in an HGS model, model mesh generation and results visualization, numerical solution techniques and model convergence troubleshooting, atmospheric & winter processes, model calibration and more.

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