NEW version of HGS (February 2024 - Revision 2641)

The HydroGeoSphere Revision 2641 (February 2024) is now available for download.

This month we’ve introduced one new command:

  • New commands ‘map zones from raster’ that is similar to the command ‘read zones from raster’ but allows the user to specify an additional raster value to zone number mapping instead of using the raw raster values as zone numbers

While a new command is always exciting, the really exciting news this month is our top to bottom update to raster reading in grok which now allows HGS to use the open source software GDAL. Support for GDAL allows users to work with a wider range of raster file formats including ASCII, GeoTiff, NetCDF, etc (click here for a comprehensive list). GDAL also provides automatic clipping of raster data to the mesh bounding box, allowing HGS to minimize CPU memory usage and making it much easier to process larger raster files. GDAL (and HGS) also supports multi-band rasters, which means you can compile several different datasets (e.g. 12 different monthly average precipitation maps) within the same raster file, simplifying data management.

We’re also happy to announce a new version of HGS2VTU.exe (v4.0.0). The major goal with this update is to support a wider range of end-points for visualizing and analyzing HGS output data. We also recognize that it can be confusing to support multiple post-processing tools (e.g. HSPLOT.exe and HGS2VTU.exe) and so we’re working to update HGS2VTU with a wide range of features to supersede HSPLOT entirely. The latest update of HGS2VTU supports several new output formats including NetCDF UGRID, Tecplot ASCII/SZLPT, and .CSV point cloud (output to VTU remains the default option). We also now support time and spatial truncation of model outputs, and have included some brand new output variables including groundwater recharge.
Read the HGS2VTU release notes here:

You can find details about these new features in the HydroGeoSphere Reference Manual. And as always, we are committed to the continued improvement to the user experience. Do you have suggestions for new commands or improvements to the user experience? Send your ideas to!

The latest installers are available on the HGS download page and a full list of changes/updates can be found in the release notes.

Download the February 2024 release of HydroGeoSphere here:

Review the release notes here:


HGS RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT – Saltwater Intrusion Into a Confined Island Aquifer Driven by Erosion, Changing Recharge, Sea-Level Rise, and Coastal Flooding


HydroGeoSphere Research Paper wins Water Resources Research Editors’ Choice Award