NEW version of HGS (June 2023 - Revision 2539)

The HydroGeoSphere Revision 2539 (June 2023) is now available for download.

As usual we’ve corrected all user reported bugs, but the exciting news this month is the addition of a new boundary condition:

  • the ‘rain and snowmelt’ boundary condition is a specified flux representing rain and/or snowfall. The input type is set to be an equivalent liquid precipitation whereby rainfall and snowfall are partitioned based on air temperature (via the threshold temperature), and snowmelt is calculated using air temperature and the melting constant. The rain and snowmelt BC writes timeseries info to the prefixo.Rain_SnowMelt balance.dat file which records total liquid precipitation, rainfall, snowfall rate, snowmelt, sublimation and change in snow depth

We’ve also added a new command called detailed runtime informationwhich will produce output files which contain detailed information about the flow solution Newton iterations and adaptive timestepping at each timestep (very helpful if you want to optimize model runtimes!).

As always, we are committed to the continued improvement to the user experience. Do you have suggestions for new commands or improvements to the user experience? Send your ideas to!

The latest installers are available on the HGS download page and a full list of changes/updates can be found in the release notes.

Download the June 2023 release of HydroGeoSphere here:

Review the release notes here:


HGS RESEARCH HIGHLIGHT – Testing high resolution numerical models for analysis of contaminant storage and release from low permeability zones


HydroGeoSphere at the EGU23 General Assembly